Hi folks! Today let`s make sure everyone is clear about what a successful debt consolidation should accomplish.
The benefits of getting this exactly right are far reaching and the quality of the strategy and how it`s implemented WILL effect the quality of your life in a big way.
Debt consolidation does not always require a loan. Any money from any source will do. What you need to be prepared for is that not all change is good. Only undo what isn`t helping you and only add what will help you.
In many ways, a successful debt consolidation should be like fixing a broken bone. You wear a cast only long enough to perfectly repair the damage, then you move on stronger than before.
- Consumer inquires to service provider, receives free consultation to explain service benefits and is referred to service providers secured website
- Consumer provides CASL compliant summary of information and supporting documents to service provider
- Service provider analyzes new account and presents customized solution strategy to consumer
- Service provider arranges new money (i.e unlock failing RRSP, arrange financing, consumer sells property, etc)
- Consumer’s debts are paid in full or settled in full as arranged
- Service provider gathers creditor receipts, drafts manual credit update package and provides all to consumer with easy mailing instructions
- Service provider follows up with consumer to ensure consolidation exit strategy is understood (usually in 12 months)
- Exit strategy is implemented
I hope this has helped and motivated you to learn more. The links provided in this post are designed to guide you to what works.
Cheers for now!

Helpful Links:
Small Business loans $15,000 to $4M